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  • The 1st model and original online School of Byzantine Music.

    Study Byzantine Music from any part of the world at the Fanari. Online courses 24 hours a day

  • The 1st model and original online School of Byzantine Music.

    Study Byzantine Music from any part of the world at the Fanari. Online courses 24 hours a day

  • The 1st model and original online School of Byzantine Music.

    Study Byzantine Music from any part of the world at the Fanari. Online courses 24 hours a day

  • The easy way to learn Byzantine Music
  • More than 1000 videos sorted into sections
  • Exams according to the Greek Ministry of Culture’s curriculum of the Byzantine Music schools

Start your career with the online degree program at the School of Byzantine Music “To Fanari”, with only 25 Euro per month!

The online School of Byzantine Music  ‹To Fanari› begins its vision with the best of omens — the blessing of the head of the apostolic Church of Greece, His Beatitude Hieronymos II, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, whose holy right hand I kiss with all honor and profound respect.
The vision of the Fanari is to offer the codified music knowledge of centuries, in the simplest and most easily transmitted way, which is allowed and at the same time imposed by today’s technical development. The older generations of cantors were able to decode this knowledge only after many years and suffering, as the well-known old fifteen-syllable admonition “he who wants to learn music and praise must have a lot of patience, must have a lot of days…” testifies.  

Byzantine Music Classical Books teaching

Greetings from great Church and Chanting Art personalities

Sign up now and learn the secrets of the patriarchal chanting art from the deserving Archon Maestor of the Great Church of Christ, Gregory Daravanoglou.

Why should you choose the Fanari?

Flexibility to study at any time of the day

With the pioneering audiovisual system of teaching implemented by the School, the connected student is able, at any time of the day and from any place on the planet, to be taught the entire syllabus of Byzantine Music in detail.

Certificate of qualification and receiving of the degree certificate

The student takes: Certificate of qualification at the end of each academic year; the exam to get the Degree in Byzantine Music at the end of the 3rd year; the exam to get the Diploma in Byzantine Music at the end of the 5th year.

Fanari; a different school of Byzantine Music

The student listens to the musical text, sings and records it online and then he sends the recording to the tutor, to whom he has the further possibility to submit in writing any relevant question, at each stage of teaching.

Our students say about us:

The ‹Fanari› makes the learning of Byzantine Music an exciting and enjoyable journey into the accumulated knowledge of centuries, introducing the student to the ancient patriarchal chanting art tradition in the most scientifically, technically and pedagogically advanced way.


‹Fanari› is to be noteworthy and praised for its pioneering audio-visual teaching system and its comprehensive series of detailed theory textbooks and music books with full Typical Order, which are available in its e-shop.


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